Michael Elad

About Michael Elad

Michael Elad, With an exceptional h-index of 99 and a recent h-index of 66 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, specializes in the field of Machine Learning, Image Processing, Signal Processing, Inverse Problems, Sparse Representations.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Nested Diffusion Processes for Anytime Image Generation

Weakly-supervised representation learning for video alignment and analysis

Deep optimal transport: A practical algorithm for photo-realistic image restoration

Early Time Classification with Accumulated Accuracy Gap Control

Clipag: Towards generator-free text-to-image generation

Complex-valued retrievals from noisy images using diffusion models

Reasons for the superiority of stochastic estimators over deterministic ones: Robustness, consistency and perceptual quality

Diffusion Models for Generative Histopathology

Michael Elad Information


Technion - Israel Institute of Technology


Professor of Computer Science Israel



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Michael Elad Skills & Research Interests

Machine Learning

Image Processing

Signal Processing

Inverse Problems

Sparse Representations

Top articles of Michael Elad

Nested Diffusion Processes for Anytime Image Generation


Noam Elata,Bahjat Kawar,Tomer Michaeli,Michael Elad

Published Date


Diffusion models are the current state-of-the-art in image generation, synthesizing high-quality images by breaking down the generation process into many fine-grained denoising steps. Despite their good performance, diffusion models are computationally expensive, requiring many neural function evaluations (NFEs). In this work, we propose an anytime diffusion-based method that can generate viable images when stopped at arbitrary times before completion. Using existing pretrained diffusion models, we show that the generation scheme can be recomposed as two nested diffusion processes, enabling fast iterative refinement of a generated image. In experiments on ImageNet and Stable Diffusion-based text-to-image generation, we show, both qualitatively and quantitatively, that our method's intermediate generation quality greatly exceeds that of the original diffusion model, while the final generation result remains comparable. We illustrate the applicability of Nested Diffusion in several settings, including for solving inverse problems, and for rapid text-based content creation by allowing user intervention throughout the sampling process.

Weakly-supervised representation learning for video alignment and analysis


Guy Bar-Shalom,George Leifman,Michael Elad

Published Date


Many tasks in video analysis and understanding boil down to the need for frame-based feature learning, aiming to encapsulate the relevant visual content so as to enable simpler and easier subsequent processing. While supervised strategies for this learning task can be envisioned, self and weakly-supervised alternatives are preferred due to the difficulties in getting labeled data. This paper introduces LRProp--a novel weakly-supervised representation learning approach, with an emphasis on the application of temporal alignment between pairs of videos of the same action category. The proposed approach uses a transformer encoder for extracting frame-level features, and employs the DTW algorithm within the training iterations in order to identify the alignment path between video pairs. Through a process referred to as" pair-wise position propagation", the probability distributions of these correspondences per location are matched with the similarity of the frame-level features via KL-divergence minimization. The proposed algorithm uses also a regularized SoftDTW loss for better tuning the learned features. Our novel representation learning paradigm consistently outperforms the state of the art on temporal alignment tasks, establishing a new performance bar over several downstream video analysis applications.

Deep optimal transport: A practical algorithm for photo-realistic image restoration


Theo Adrai,Guy Ohayon,Michael Elad,Tomer Michaeli


Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems

Published Date


We propose an image restoration algorithm that can control the perceptual quality and/or the mean square error (MSE) of any pre-trained model, trading one over the other at test time. Our algorithm is few-shot: Given about a dozen images restored by the model, it can significantly improve the perceptual quality and/or the MSE of the model for newly restored images without further training. Our approach is motivated by a recent theoretical result that links between the minimum MSE (MMSE) predictor and the predictor that minimizes the MSE under a perfect perceptual quality constraint. Specifically, it has been shown that the latter can be obtained by optimally transporting the output of the former, such that its distribution matches that of the source data. Thus, to improve the perceptual quality of a predictor that was originally trained to minimize MSE, we approximate the optimal transport by a linear transformation in the latent space of a variational auto-encoder, which we compute in closed-form using empirical means and covariances. Going beyond the theory, we find that applying the same procedure on models that were initially trained to achieve high perceptual quality, typically improves their perceptual quality even further. And by interpolating the results with the original output of the model, we can improve their MSE on the expense of perceptual quality. We illustrate our method on a variety of degradations applied to general content images with arbitrary dimensions.

Early Time Classification with Accumulated Accuracy Gap Control


Liran Ringel,Regev Cohen,Daniel Freedman,Michael Elad,Yaniv Romano


arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.00857

Published Date


Early time classification algorithms aim to label a stream of features without processing the full input stream, while maintaining accuracy comparable to that achieved by applying the classifier to the entire input. In this paper, we introduce a statistical framework that can be applied to any sequential classifier, formulating a calibrated stopping rule. This data-driven rule attains finite-sample, distribution-free control of the accuracy gap between full and early-time classification. We start by presenting a novel method that builds on the Learn-then-Test calibration framework to control this gap marginally, on average over i.i.d. instances. As this algorithm tends to yield an excessively high accuracy gap for early halt times, our main contribution is the proposal of a framework that controls a stronger notion of error, where the accuracy gap is controlled conditionally on the accumulated halt times. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness, applicability, and usefulness of our method. We show that our proposed early stopping mechanism reduces up to 94% of timesteps used for classification while achieving rigorous accuracy gap control.

Clipag: Towards generator-free text-to-image generation


Roy Ganz,Michael Elad

Published Date


Perceptually Aligned Gradients (PAG) refer to an intriguing property observed in robust image classification models, wherein their input gradients align with human perception and pose semantic meanings. While this phenomenon has gained significant research attention, it was solely studied in the context of unimodal vision-only architectures. In this work, we extend the study of PAG to Vision-Language architectures, which form the foundations for diverse image-text tasks and applications. Through an adversarial robustification finetuning of CLIP, we demonstrate that robust Vision-Language models exhibit PAG in contrast to their vanilla counterparts. This work reveals the merits of CLIP with PAG (CLIPAG) in several vision-language generative tasks. Notably, we show that seamlessly integrating CLIPAG in a" plug-n-play" manner leads to substantial improvements in vision-language generative applications. Furthermore, leveraging its PAG property, CLIPAG enables text-to-image generation without any generative model, which typically requires huge generators.

Complex-valued retrievals from noisy images using diffusion models


Nadav Torem,Roi Ronen,Yoav Y Schechner,Michael Elad

Published Date


In diverse microscopy modalities, sensors measure only real-valued intensities. Additionally, the sensor readouts are affected by Poissonian-distributed photon noise. Traditional restoration algorithms typically aim to minimize the mean squared error (MSE) between the original and recovered images. This often leads to blurry outcomes with poor perceptual quality. Recently, deep diffusion models (DDMs) have proven to be highly capable of sampling images from the a-posteriori probability of the sought variables, resulting in visually pleasing high-quality images. These models have mostly been suggested for real-valued images suffering from Gaussian noise. In this study, we generalize annealed Langevin Dynamics, a type of DDM, to tackle the fundamental challenges in optical imaging of complex-valued objects (and real images) affected by Poisson noise. We apply our algorithm to various optical scenarios, such as Fourier Ptychography, Phase Retrieval, and Poisson denoising. Our algorithm is evaluated on simulations and biological empirical data.

Reasons for the superiority of stochastic estimators over deterministic ones: Robustness, consistency and perceptual quality


Guy Ohayon,Theo Joseph Adrai,Michael Elad,Tomer Michaeli

Published Date


Stochastic restoration algorithms allow to explore the space of solutions that correspond to the degraded input. In this paper we reveal additional fundamental advantages of stochastic methods over deterministic ones, which further motivate their use. First, we prove that any restoration algorithm that attains perfect perceptual quality and whose outputs are consistent with the input must be a posterior sampler, and is thus required to be stochastic. Second, we illustrate that while deterministic restoration algorithms may attain high perceptual quality, this can be achieved only by filling up the space of all possible source images using an extremely sensitive mapping, which makes them highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Indeed, we show that enforcing deterministic models to be robust to such attacks profoundly hinders their perceptual quality, while robustifying stochastic models hardly influences their perceptual quality, and improves their output variability. These findings provide a motivation to foster progress in stochastic restoration methods, paving the way to better recovery algorithms.

Diffusion Models for Generative Histopathology


Niranjan Sridhar,Michael Elad,Carson McNeil,Ehud Rivlin,Daniel Freedman

Published Date


Conventional histopathology requires chemical staining to make tissue samples usable by pathologists for diagnosis. This introduces cost and variability and does not conserve the tissue for advanced molecular analysis of the sample. We demonstrate the use of conditional denoising diffusion models applied to non-destructive autofluorescence images of tissue samples in order to generate virtually stained images. To demonstrate the power of this technique, we would like to measure the perceptual quality of the generated images; however, standard measures like the Frechet Inception Distance (FID) are inappropriate for this task, as they have been trained on natural images. We therefore introduce a new perceptual measure, the Frechet StainNet Distance (FSD), and show that our model attains significantly higher FSD than competing pix2pix models. Finally, we also present a method of quantifying uncertain …

Semi-supervised Quality Evaluation of Colonoscopy Procedures


Idan Kligvasser,George Leifman,Roman Goldenberg,Ehud Rivlin,Michael Elad

Published Date


Colonoscopy is the standard of care technique for detecting and removing polyps for the prevention of colorectal cancer. Nevertheless, gastroenterologists (GI) routinely miss approximately 25% of polyps during colonoscopies. These misses are highly operator dependent, influenced by the physician skills, experience, vigilance, and fatigue. Standard quality metrics, such as Withdrawal Time or Cecal Intubation Rate, have been shown to be well correlated with Adenoma Detection Rate (ADR). However, those metrics are limited in their ability to assess the quality of a specific procedure, and they do not address quality aspects related to the style or technique of the examination. In this work we design novel online and offline quality metrics, based on visual appearance quality criteria learned by an ML model in an unsupervised way. Furthermore, we evaluate the likelihood of detecting an existing polyp as a function of procedure quality and use it to demonstrate high correlation of the proposed metric to polyp detection sensitivity. The proposed online quality metric can be used to provide real time quality feedback to the performing GI. By integrating the local metric over the withdrawal phase, we build a global, offline quality metric, which is shown to be highly correlated to the standard Polyp Per Colonoscopy (PPC) quality metric.



Idan Kligvasser,George Leifman,Michael Elad,Roman Goldenberg,Ehud Rivlin


Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Published Date


BackgroundColonoscopy is the standard screening procedure for early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer. Nevertheless, it has been reported that endoscopists may miss up to 25% of polyps during the procedure. Some of these misses are polyps that appeared in the endoscope field of view, while others are missed due to suboptimal imaging. The existing colonoscopy quality metrics (eg withdrawal time, Boston preparation score, ADR, APC) only indirectly address those issues. In this work we propose a novel quality metric aiming to provide a specific and actionable feedback to increase the likelihood of detecting a polyp during the procedure.MethodsWe propose novel online and offline colonoscopy quality metrics, through the identification of temporal intervals in which effective polyp detection is possible. We assume that such intervals are characterized by a clear view with the camera centered in the …

Colonoscopy Coverage Revisited: Identifying Scanning Gaps in Real-Time


George Leifman,Idan Kligvasser,Roman Goldenberg,Ehud Rivlin,Michael Elad

Published Date


Colonoscopy is the most widely used medical technique for preventing Colorectal Cancer, by detecting and removing polyps before they become malignant. Recent studies show that around 25% of the existing polyps are routinely missed. While some of these do appear in the endoscopist’s field of view, others are missed due to a partial coverage of the colon. The task of detecting and marking unseen regions of the colon has been addressed in recent work, where the common approach is based on dense 3D reconstruction, which proves to be challenging due to lack of 3D ground truth and periods with poor visual content. In this paper we propose a novel and complementary method to detect deficient local coverage in real-time for video segments where a reliable 3D reconstruction is impossible. Our method aims to identify skips along the colon caused by a drifted position of the endoscope during poor visibility …

High-perceptual quality JPEG decoding via posterior sampling


Sean Man,Guy Ohayon,Theo Adrai,Michael Elad

Published Date


JPEG is arguably the most popular image coding format, achieving high compression ratios via lossy quantization that may create visual artifacts degradation. Numerous attempts to remove these artifacts were conceived over the years, and common to most of these is the use of deterministic post-processing algorithms that optimize some distortion measure (eg, PSNR, SSIM). In this paper we propose a different paradigm for JPEG artifact correction: Our method is stochastic, and the objective we target is high perceptual quality--striving to obtain sharp, detailed and visually pleasing reconstructed images, while being consistent with the compressed input. These goals are achieved by training a stochastic conditional generator (conditioned on the compressed input), accompanied by a theoretically well-founded loss term, resulting in a sampler from the posterior distribution. Our solution offers a diverse set of plausible and fast reconstructions for a given input with perfect consistency. We demonstrate our scheme's unique properties and its superiority to a variety of alternative methods on the FFHQ and ImageNet datasets.

Gsure-based diffusion model training with corrupted data


Bahjat Kawar,Noam Elata,Tomer Michaeli,Michael Elad


arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.13128

Published Date


Diffusion models have demonstrated impressive results in both data generation and downstream tasks such as inverse problems, text-based editing, classification, and more. However, training such models usually requires large amounts of clean signals which are often difficult or impossible to obtain. In this work, we propose a novel training technique for generative diffusion models based only on corrupted data. We introduce a loss function based on the Generalized Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimator (GSURE), and prove that under some conditions, it is equivalent to the training objective used in fully supervised diffusion models. We demonstrate our technique on face images as well as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), where the use of undersampled data significantly alleviates data collection costs. Our approach achieves generative performance comparable to its fully supervised counterpart without training on any clean signals. In addition, we deploy the resulting diffusion model in various downstream tasks beyond the degradation present in the training set, showcasing promising results.

DiffAR: Denoising Diffusion Autoregressive Model for Raw Speech Waveform Generation


Roi Benita,Michael Elad,Joseph Keshet


arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.01381

Published Date


Diffusion models have recently been shown to be relevant for high-quality speech generation. Most work has been focused on generating spectrograms, and as such, they further require a subsequent model to convert the spectrogram to a waveform (i.e., a vocoder). This work proposes a diffusion probabilistic end-to-end model for generating a raw speech waveform. The proposed model is autoregressive, generating overlapping frames sequentially, where each frame is conditioned on a portion of the previously generated one. Hence, our model can effectively synthesize an unlimited speech duration while preserving high-fidelity synthesis and temporal coherence. We implemented the proposed model for unconditional and conditional speech generation, where the latter can be driven by an input sequence of phonemes, amplitudes, and pitch values. Working on the waveform directly has some empirical advantages. Specifically, it allows the creation of local acoustic behaviors, like vocal fry, which makes the overall waveform sounds more natural. Furthermore, the proposed diffusion model is stochastic and not deterministic; therefore, each inference generates a slightly different waveform variation, enabling abundance of valid realizations. Experiments show that the proposed model generates speech with superior quality compared with other state-of-the-art neural speech generation systems.

Principal uncertainty quantification with spatial correlation for image restoration problems


Omer Belhasin,Yaniv Romano,Daniel Freedman,Ehud Rivlin,Michael Elad


IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

Published Date


Uncertainty quantification for inverse problems in imaging has drawn much attention lately. Existing approaches towards this task define uncertainty regions based on probable values per pixel, while ignoring spatial correlations within the image, resulting in an exaggerated volume of uncertainty. In this paper, we propose PUQ (Principal Uncertainty Quantification) – a novel definition and corresponding analysis of uncertainty regions that takes into account spatial relationships within the image, thus providing reduced volume regions. Using recent advancements in generative models, we derive uncertainty intervals around principal components of the empirical posterior distribution, forming an ambiguity region that guarantees the inclusion of true unseen values with a user-defined confidence probability. To improve computational efficiency and interpretability, we also guarantee the recovery of true unseen values …

Patch-craft self-supervised training for correlated image denoising


Gregory Vaksman,Michael Elad

Published Date


Supervised neural networks are known to achieve excellent results in various image restoration tasks. However, such training requires datasets composed of pairs of corrupted images and their corresponding ground truth targets. Unfortunately, such data is not available in many applications. For the task of image denoising in which the noise statistics is unknown, several self-supervised training methods have been proposed for overcoming this difficulty. Some of these require knowledge of the noise model, while others assume that the contaminating noise is uncorrelated, both assumptions are too limiting for many practical needs. This work proposes a novel self-supervised training technique suitable for the removal of unknown correlated noise. The proposed approach neither requires knowledge of the noise model nor access to ground truth targets. The input to our algorithm consists of easily captured bursts of noisy shots. Our algorithm constructs artificial patch-craft images from these bursts by patch matching and stitching, and the obtained crafted images are used as targets for the training. Our method does not require registration of the different images within the burst. We evaluate the proposed framework through extensive experiments with synthetic and real image noise.

Conformal prediction masks: Visualizing uncertainty in medical imaging


Gilad Kutiel,Regev Cohen,Michael Elad,Daniel Freedman,Ehud Rivlin

Published Date


Estimating uncertainty in image-to-image recovery networks is an important task, particularly as such networks are being increasingly deployed in the biological and medical imaging realms. A recent conformal prediction technique derives per-pixel uncertainty intervals, guaranteed to contain the true value with a user-specified probability. Yet, these intervals are hard to comprehend and fail to express uncertainty at a conceptual level. In this paper, we introduce a new approach for uncertainty quantification and visualization, based on masking. The proposed technique produces interpretable image masks with rigorous statistical guarantees for image regression problems. Given an image recovery model, our approach computes a mask such that a desired divergence between the masked reconstructed image and the masked true image is guaranteed to be less than a specified risk level, with high probability. The …

Image denoising: The deep learning revolution and beyond—a survey paper


Michael Elad,Bahjat Kawar,Gregory Vaksman


SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences

Published Date


Image denoising—removal of additive white Gaussian noise from an image—is one of the oldest and most studied problems in image processing. Extensive work over several decades has led to thousands of papers on this subject, and to many well-performing algorithms for this task. Indeed, 10 years ago, these achievements led some researchers to suspect that “Denoising is Dead,” in the sense that all that can be achieved in this domain has already been obtained. However, this turned out to be far from the truth, with the penetration of deep learning (DL) into the realm of image processing. The era of DL brought a revolution to image denoising, both by taking the lead in today’s ability for noise suppression in images, and by broadening the scope of denoising problems being treated. Our paper starts by describing this evolution, highlighting in particular the tension and synergy that exist between classical …

The Perception-Robustness Tradeoff in Deterministic Image Restoration


Guy Ohayon,Tomer Michaeli,Michael Elad


arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.09253

Published Date


We study the behavior of deterministic methods for solving inverse problems in imaging. These methods are commonly designed to achieve two goals: (1) attaining high perceptual quality, and (2) generating reconstructions that are consistent with the measurements. We provide a rigorous proof that the better a predictor satisfies these two requirements, the larger its Lipschitz constant must be, regardless of the nature of the degradation involved. In particular, to approach perfect perceptual quality and perfect consistency, the Lipschitz constant of the model must grow to infinity. This implies that such methods are necessarily more susceptible to adversarial attacks. We demonstrate our theory on single image super-resolution algorithms, addressing both noisy and noiseless settings. We also show how this undesired behavior can be leveraged to explore the posterior distribution, thereby allowing the deterministic model to imitate stochastic methods.

Classifier robustness enhancement via test-time transformation


Tsachi Blau,Roy Ganz,Chaim Baskin,Michael Elad,Alex Bronstein


arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.15409

Published Date


It has been recently discovered that adversarially trained classifiers exhibit an intriguing property, referred to as perceptually aligned gradients (PAG). PAG implies that the gradients of such classifiers possess a meaningful structure, aligned with human perception. Adversarial training is currently the best-known way to achieve classification robustness under adversarial attacks. The PAG property, however, has yet to be leveraged for further improving classifier robustness. In this work, we introduce Classifier Robustness Enhancement Via Test-Time Transformation (TETRA) -- a novel defense method that utilizes PAG, enhancing the performance of trained robust classifiers. Our method operates in two phases. First, it modifies the input image via a designated targeted adversarial attack into each of the dataset's classes. Then, it classifies the input image based on the distance to each of the modified instances, with the assumption that the shortest distance relates to the true class. We show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art results and validate our claim through extensive experiments on a variety of defense methods, classifier architectures, and datasets. We also empirically demonstrate that TETRA can boost the accuracy of any differentiable adversarial training classifier across a variety of attacks, including ones unseen at training. Specifically, applying TETRA leads to substantial improvement of up to , , and on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and ImageNet, respectively.

See List of Professors in Michael Elad University(Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)

Michael Elad FAQs

What is Michael Elad's h-index at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology?

The h-index of Michael Elad has been 66 since 2020 and 99 in total.

What are Michael Elad's top articles?

The articles with the titles of

Nested Diffusion Processes for Anytime Image Generation

Weakly-supervised representation learning for video alignment and analysis

Deep optimal transport: A practical algorithm for photo-realistic image restoration

Early Time Classification with Accumulated Accuracy Gap Control

Clipag: Towards generator-free text-to-image generation

Complex-valued retrievals from noisy images using diffusion models

Reasons for the superiority of stochastic estimators over deterministic ones: Robustness, consistency and perceptual quality

Diffusion Models for Generative Histopathology


are the top articles of Michael Elad at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.

What are Michael Elad's research interests?

The research interests of Michael Elad are: Machine Learning, Image Processing, Signal Processing, Inverse Problems, Sparse Representations

What is Michael Elad's total number of citations?

Michael Elad has 81,748 citations in total.

What are the co-authors of Michael Elad?

The co-authors of Michael Elad are Guillermo Sapiro, Ron Kimmel, Alfred Bruckstein, Sina Farsiu, Michael (Miki) Lustig, Raja Giryes.


    H-index: 116
    Guillermo Sapiro

    Guillermo Sapiro

    Duke University

    H-index: 81
    Ron Kimmel

    Ron Kimmel

    Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

    H-index: 70
    Alfred Bruckstein

    Alfred Bruckstein

    Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

    H-index: 68
    Sina Farsiu

    Sina Farsiu

    Duke University

    H-index: 55
    Michael (Miki) Lustig

    Michael (Miki) Lustig

    University of California, Berkeley

    H-index: 48
    Raja Giryes

    Raja Giryes

    Tel Aviv University


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