L. Alan Sroufe

L. Alan Sroufe

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

H-index: 114

North America-United States


L. Alan Sroufe, With an exceptional h-index of 114 and a recent h-index of 58 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, specializes in the field of emotional development, attachment, longitudinal studies of individual development.

Professor Information


University of Minnesota-Twin Cities


Professor Emeritus of Child Psychology



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Research & Interests List

emotional development


longitudinal studies of individual development

Top articles of L. Alan Sroufe

Der Weg zur eigenen Persönlichkeit: Wie Bindungserfahrungen uns lebenslang prägen

Wie wir werden, wer wir sind Vom führenden Entwicklungsforscher der Gegenwart Ein Muss für alle, die sich für die menschliche Entwicklung interessieren Beeindruckende Einführung in die Bindungsforschung Jede Lebensphase von der Geburt bis zum Erwachsenenalter hat ihre eigenen Herausforderungen und Konfliktfelder. Alan Sroufe, einer der weltweit bedeutendsten Entwicklungspsychologen, veranschaulicht eindrucksvoll wie Bindungserfahrungen lebenslang nachwirken und die Persönlichkeit prägen. Er stellt seine wegweisenden wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zu Bindung und Entwicklung immer in Bezug zu seiner eigenen persönlichen Entwicklung, was dieses Buch zu einer höchst spannenden und eindrucksvollen Lektüre macht. Sroufe beantwortet in seinem Werk die großen Fragen, wie wir werden, wer wir sind, warum es so schwer–aber nicht unmöglich ist–sich zu ändern und wie Menschen geholfen werden kann, die in ihrer frühen Kindheit unzureichende Bindungs-und Beziehungserfahrungen gemacht haben.» Der führende Entwicklungsforscher unserer Generation «—Bowlby-Ainsworth-Award» Alan Sroufe, der wohl bislang beeindruckendste Bindungsforscher, schildert, wie frühe Erfahrungen lebenslang nachwirken: Gute und weniger gut gewählte Wege für ein gelingendes Miteinander, alle empirisch belegt. Sroufes bemerkenswert kreative Bindungsforschung ist dabei eng verbunden mit seinem eigenen Lebenslauf."—Klaus Grossmann, em. Professor, Institut für Psychologie, Universität Regensburg» Dieses Buch ist wunderbar! Es ist schwer, sich auch nur einen Menschen vorzustellen, der wissen will, wer er ist …


Alan Sroufe

Published Date


Then and now: The legacy and future of attachment research

Attachment theory rescued psychology from the choice between an untestable psychoanalytic, drive reduction theory and behaviorist positions that were incapable of accounting for development. Theory and research on attachment over the last 5 decades advanced knowledge on vital topics such as the emergence of the self, emotion regulation, resilience, and mental representations. The success of the theory led to broad applications both within and outside of academia. Now is a useful time to appraise this body of work and to consider future directions. The book, “Cornerstones,” and the two target articles in this special issue provide an important start to this process, suggesting a number of potentially fruitful directions. Some of the challenges associated with these suggestions are addressed in this commentary.


L Alan Sroufe


Attachment & human development

Published Date


Measuring attachment: Developmental assessment across the lifespan

This volume provides an in-depth examination of traditional and emerging measures of attachment behavior and representations from infancy to adulthood. Leading authorities share their expertise on the Strange Situation, the Attachment Q-set, Ainsworth's Maternal Sensitivity Scales, the Adult Attachment Interview, the Attachment Script Assessments, and the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System, as well as analogue and experimental methods. The book clarifies the conceptual and empirical underpinnings of the various measures and shows how they fit into a coherent developmental framework. Offering detailed discussions of key constructs such as attachment security, the secure base phenomenon, disorganization, and narrative structure, this is a valuable resource for both researchers and practitioners who use attachment assessments in their work.


L Alan Sroufe

Published Date


The Legacy of the First 3 Years.

Abstract The Minnesota Longitudinal Study of Risk and Adaptation, a 45-year study of children born into poverty, offers a number of lessons for practitioners. Among these are the potency of early relationship experiences for predicting developmental outcomes and the fate of early experience following developmental change. This article describes the lawfulness of both continuity and change in development, why early experience in so powerful, why change can be difficult, and why it is nonetheless possible. Case examples as well as group data are provided.


L Alan Sroufe


Zero to Three

Published Date


Attachment as a relationship construct

It refers to the emotional connection between two individuals. It is true that individuals as they mature develop particular orientations regarding close relationships. These orientations become individual characteristics, but attachment itself refers to relationships, not individuals. In the case of infant–caregiver attachments, which for Bowlby was the prototype, the infant not only commonly has multiple attachment relationships, but they may at times be distinctive (ie, qualitatively different; Main & Weston, 1981). This makes clear that attachment is not a characteristic of the infant. Such a perspective opens up exciting developmental questions regarding when and how such attachments are consolidated along with other social experiences into a more unified individual stance regarding attachment. Distinguishing attachment orientation as an individual characteristic and attachment itself as a relationship construct is the starting point for this pursuit.


L Alan Sroufe


Attachment. The fundamental questions

Published Date


Rozwój osoby. Ryzyko i adaptacja od narodzin do dorosłości

Proces kształtowania się osobowości intryguje badaczy rozwoju, klinicystów oraz psychologów. Jest to najważniejsze i najbardziej skomplikowane zagadnienie w psychologii, wymaga bowiem uwzględnienia niezliczonych czynników równocześnie, a także ich wpływu na jednostkę w ciągu wielu lat. Zespół doświadczonych naukowców z Uniwersytetu w Minnesocie podjął próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, w jaki sposób człowiek staje się taką, a nie inną osobą. Niniejsza książka to podsumowanie przełomowego badania, w którym wzięło udział 180 dzieci obserwowanych przez 30 lat, od narodzin do wieku dorosłego. Dzięki wieloletniej pracy otrzymano spójny, złożony obraz rozwoju człowieka, ustalono, jaka jest natura rozwoju, a także wskazano jego ogólne trendy. Autorzy objaśniają zarówno zastosowaną metodologię, jak i konsekwencje projektu dla postrzegania procesu kształtowania osobowości. Zgromadzona …


Iwona Ewa Makowska,W Andrew Collins,L Alan Sroufe,Byron Egeland,Elizabeth A Carlson

Published Date


Principles of development: The case of dependency

In this commentary, I underscore the two developmental principles or laws pointed to by this series of papers on child-teacher dependency; namely, that behavior and development are coherent and that early attachment relationships are the foundation for later development. First, I will review briefly the history of the dependency and attachment concepts and how Bowlby and Ainsworth distinguished them. This is followed by an overview of the comprehensive findings on the development of dependency from the Minnesota Study of Risk and Adaptation. In the conclusion, ideas are presented regarding how to view dependency in the classroom and whether and how to intervene. Suggestions are made regarding the research needed moving forward.


L Alan Sroufe

Published Date


Professor FAQs

What is L. Alan Sroufe's h-index at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities?

The h-index of L. Alan Sroufe has been 58 since 2020 and 114 in total.

What are L. Alan Sroufe's research interests?

The research interests of L. Alan Sroufe are: emotional development, attachment, longitudinal studies of individual development

What is L. Alan Sroufe's total number of citations?

L. Alan Sroufe has 86,924 citations in total.

What are the co-authors of L. Alan Sroufe?

The co-authors of L. Alan Sroufe are Everett Waters.


H-index: 62
Everett Waters

Everett Waters

Stony Brook University


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