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FrieslandCampina is a Dutch multinational dairy cooperative that has been in operation for over 150 years. With a rich history and a strong focus on sustainability and innovation, the company has become one of the largest dairy companies in the world. FrieslandCampina was founded in 1871 and is headquartered in Amersfoort, the Netherlands. It was formed through the merger of two dairy cooperatives, Friesland Foods and Campina, in 2008. Today, the company has over 20,000 member dairy farmers and employs more than 24,000 people worldwide. The company operates in over 100 countries and has a diverse portfolio of dairy products. Its product range includes milk, cheese, butter, infant nutrition, and ingredients for the food industry. FrieslandCampina is known for its high-quality products and strong brands, such as Campina, Friso, and Dutch Lady. One of the key pillars of FrieslandCampina's business strategy is sustainability. The company is committed to reducing its environmental footprint and promoting sustainable farming practices. It aims to achieve carbon-neutral growth by 2050 and has set ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and waste generation. FrieslandCampina also places a strong emphasis on innovation and research. The company has dedicated research and development centers where scientists work on developing new and improved dairy products. It collaborates with universities, research institutes, and other partners to stay at the forefront of dairy innovation. In addition to its focus on sustainability and innovation, FrieslandCampina is also committed to corporate social responsibility. The company actively supports local communities and invests in projects that promote education, health, and nutrition. It has initiatives in place to improve the livelihoods of dairy farmers and to promote responsible sourcing of raw materials. FrieslandCampina has received numerous awards and certifications for its commitment to sustainability and quality. It has been recognized as a global leader in sustainability by organizations such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and the Carbon Disclosure Project. Despite its global presence, FrieslandCampina remains rooted in its cooperative structure. The company is owned by its member dairy farmers, who have a say in the decision-making process and share in the profits. This cooperative model ensures that the interests of the farmers are at the heart of the company's operations. In conclusion, FrieslandCampina is a leading dairy cooperative with a strong focus on sustainability, innovation, and corporate social responsibility. With a diverse portfolio of high-quality dairy products and a global presence, the company continues to grow and thrive in the competitive dairy industry.

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