Pragmatic Prospection is linked with positive life and workplace outcomes

Published On 2024/5/3

Pragmatic prospection is the ability to think deeply about the future in order to identify and to work productively toward goals. It involves imagining desirable future outcomes, setting sensible goals, making plans, and flexibly executing those plans. We conducted an exploratory survey of full-time working U.S. adults (N = 1541), measuring individual differences in pragmatic prospection along with life- and job-related outcomes. All data from the present survey are publicly available. Pragmatic prospection correlated positively with positive outcomes (e.g. life satisfaction, work productivity), correlated negatively with negative outcomes (e.g. anxiety, depression), and tracked with other adaptive personality traits associated with achievement and psychological adjustment (e.g. high conscientiousness, low neuroticism). These results point to pragmatic prospection as an important component of flourishing, both in the …








"Martin Seligman"

"Martin Seligman"

University of Pennsylvania



Research Interests

Positive Psychology

Learned Helplessness




University Profile Page

Ayelet Meron Ruscio

Ayelet Meron Ruscio

University of Pennsylvania



Research Interests

Anxiety and depression: nature



University Profile Page

Andrew Reece

Andrew Reece

Harvard University



Research Interests


Machine Learning

People Data Science

University Profile Page

Austin D. Eubanks

Austin D. Eubanks

University of Arkansas



Research Interests

data science


social psychology

political psychology


University Profile Page

Other Articles from authors

Andrew Reece

Andrew Reece

Harvard University

Segmenting and generating conversation features for a multiparty conversation

Technology is provided for generating conversation features for recorded conversations. The technology includes, receiving videos depicting a multiple-user interaction, segmenting the videos into multiple utterances based on identifying utterances from individual users, receiving label data for the utterance segments specifying conversation features, and storing the label data in association with the utterance segments.

"Martin Seligman"

"Martin Seligman"

University of Pennsylvania

Scientific reports

Risk and prosocial behavioural cues elicit human-like response patterns from AI chatbots

Emotions, long deemed a distinctly human characteristic, guide a repertoire of behaviors, e.g., promoting risk-aversion under negative emotional states or generosity under positive ones. The question of whether Artificial Intelligence (AI) can possess emotions remains elusive, chiefly due to the absence of an operationalized consensus on what constitutes 'emotion' within AI. Adopting a pragmatic approach, this study investigated the response patterns of AI chatbots—specifically, large language models (LLMs)—to various emotional primes. We engaged AI chatbots as one would human participants, presenting scenarios designed to elicit positive, negative, or neutral emotional states. Multiple accounts of OpenAI's ChatGPT Plus were then tasked with responding to inquiries concerning investment decisions and prosocial behaviors. Our analysis revealed that ChatGPT-4 bots, when primed with positive, negative, or …

Andrew Reece

Andrew Reece

Harvard University

arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.15615

NaturalTurn: A Method to Segment Transcripts into Naturalistic Conversational Turns

Conversation is the subject of increasing interest in the social, cognitive, and computational sciences. And yet, as conversational datasets continue to increase in size and complexity, researchers lack scalable methods to segment speech-to-text transcripts into conversational turns--the basic building blocks of social interaction. We introduce "NaturalTurn," a turn segmentation algorithm designed to accurately capture the dynamics of naturalistic exchange. NaturalTurn operates by distinguishing speakers' primary conversational turns from listeners' secondary utterances, such as backchannels, brief interjections, and other forms of parallel speech that characterize conversation. Using data from a large conversation corpus, we show how NaturalTurn-derived transcripts demonstrate favorable statistical and inferential characteristics compared to transcripts derived from existing methods. The NaturalTurn algorithm represents an improvement in machine-generated transcript processing methods, or "turn models" that will enable researchers to associate turn-taking dynamics with the broader outcomes that result from social interaction, a central goal of conversation science.

"Martin Seligman"

"Martin Seligman"

University of Pennsylvania

Optimism and pessimism.

Pessimism has an important place as a predisposing factor to depression, and relieving pessimism is crucial in the course of cognitive therapy. In contrast, optimism faces an uphill battle for recognition as an independent construct. First, optimism is often seen as a Panglossian perspective that deludes a person into vulnerability to disappointment. A second challenge for the construct of optimism is that it has been sometimes positioned as merely the lack of pessimism and that the best one could ever do in life was to minimize suffering. The third challenge is that it is often seen as only the polar opposite of pessimism. This chapter defines optimism and pessimism and differentiates them from similar constructs. It separates optimism from pessimism and pessimism's behavioral correlates. The chapter also connects both to depressive symptoms and evaluates treatments on optimism, contrasting them with the usual …

"Martin Seligman"

"Martin Seligman"

University of Pennsylvania

La fabrique du bonheur

Entrez dans la nouvelle ère de la psychologie validée par les neurosciences et découvrez, dans cet ouvrage complet et nourri par de nombreux questionnaires, tests et applications concrètes, comment fabriquer du bonheur dans votre vie grâce aux ressources de la psychologie positive. Martin EP Seligman a fondé et conceptualisé la psychologie positive, une approche de guérison profonde de l’être qui a révolutionné la psychologie depuis plusieurs années. En vous concentrant non pas sur la cause du mal-être, mais sur vos forces et vos ressources personnelles, vous parviendrez mécaniquement à créer du bonheur, à guérir spontanément de vos blessures émotionnelles et à transformer votre qualité de vie. Le père fondateur de la psychologie positive vous guide de façon très pratique sur le chemin du bonheur.

Austin D. Eubanks

Austin D. Eubanks

University of Arkansas

Audience Responses to Heroic Speeches

Audience responses to heroic speeches can include laughter, booing, applause, cheering, chanting, and combinations thereof. Heroic leadership, especially transformative leadership that significantly influences followers, societies, and even the world at large (Goethals and Allison 2012), is premised upon followers needing leaders to coordinate response to recurrent evolutionary problems that rely upon cooperation among group members for survival (Spisak et al. 2015). Leaders are looked to by their followers for solutions (Van Vugt and Smith 2019; Van Vugt and von Rueden 2020) that, as pointed out by Goethals and Allison (Goethals and Allison 2012)“helps groups survive, achieve their goals, and feel good about themselves”(p. 29). The thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are communicated to followers with followers in turn reciprocating not just by listening, but through reactions that may take the form of …

"Martin Seligman"

"Martin Seligman"

University of Pennsylvania

Positive Psychology Model of Mental Function and Behavior

Mental health treatment may be more effective if as much attention is paid to the intact resources of patients as to the deficits involved in their psychiatric illness. This chapter summarizes the contributions of Positive Psychology research and practice in education, work, health, and clinical domains, and offers useful insights regarding the integration of positive psychology concepts with traditional mental health treatment. The PERMA model of wellbeing and character strengths, emphasizing positive emotion, engagement, resilience, meaning, and accomplishment, is the basis for significant empirical evidence to support the use of positive interventions in a wide range of clinical and non-clinical settings. The emerging field of Positive Psychiatry is based on these principles and their application in psychiatric settings.

"Martin Seligman"

"Martin Seligman"

University of Pennsylvania

Changer, oui, c'est possible

Si vous souffrez de dépression, de crises d’angoisse, de stress, de surpoids, de phobies ou d’addictions, vous apprendrez ici les meilleures techniques et stratégies reconnues scientifiquement pour vaincre ou soulager vos difficultés. Martin Seligman est le chef de file d’un courant innovant de la psychologie contemporaine: la psychologie positive, qui se concentre sur comment rendre les gens heureux. Selon le célèbre chercheur, pour amorcer un changement réel et positif dans nos vies, il est essentiel de mieux nous connaître, d’accepter nos limites et de prendre la responsabilité de ce que nous pouvons changer. Un livre qui restaure notre confiance en nous et notre aptitude au bonheur.

Ayelet Meron Ruscio

Ayelet Meron Ruscio

University of Pennsylvania

Clinical Psychological Science

A meta-analysis of the relationship between worry and rumination

Clinical scientists disagree about whether worry and rumination are distinct or represent a unitary construct. To inform this debate, we performed a series of meta-analyses evaluating the relationship between worry and different forms of rumination. A total of 719 effect sizes (N = 69,305) were analyzed. Worry showed a large association with global rumination and with the brooding and emotion-focused subtypes of rumination (rs = .51–.53). However, even when corrected for measurement error, the correlations did not approach unity (ρs = .57–.62). Worry showed a smaller, though still significant, association with the reflection subtype of rumination (r = .28, ρ = .34). Characteristics of the study, sample, and measures moderated the worry–rumination relationship. Worry and rumination, as indexed by current self-report measures, reflect closely related but nonredundant constructs. Given that these constructs have both …

Andrew Reece

Andrew Reece

Harvard University

A Large-Scale Investigation of Everyday Moral Dilemmas

Questions of right and wrong form a central aspect of daily life, yet how people experience and evaluate everyday moral dilemmas remains unclear. We combined state-of-the-art tools from machine learning with survey-based methods in psychology to explore a large, naturally-occurring repository of moral dilemmas: the Am I the Asshole?(AITA) forum on Reddit. Across hundreds of thousands of posts, users described a wide range of everyday dilemmas ranging from broken promises to emotional overreaction. Dilemmas pertaining to relational obligations were most frequent, while those pertaining to honesty were the most widely condemned. The types of dilemmas people experienced depended on the interpersonal closeness of the interactants, with some dilemmas (eg, politeness) being more prominent in distant-other interactions, and others (eg, relational obligations) more prominent in close-other interactions. A longitudinal investigation showed that these associations resulted in shifts in the nature of moral experiences following the “shock” event of the global pandemic. Several robustness tests indicate that these findings generalize beyond the sample of Reddit users. Overall, through a unique large dataset and new techniques for exploring this dataset, our paper sheds light on the diversity of moral experiences in daily life and adds to the foundation of a moral psychology grounded in the vagaries of everyday experience.

"Martin Seligman"

"Martin Seligman"

University of Pennsylvania

Martin Seligman

Martin EP Seligman, né le 12 août 1942, est un chercheur en psychologie et professeur à l'Université de Pennsylvanie. Il a publié plus de 200 articles dans des revues scientifiques. Parmi les prix et distinctions reçus, l’American Psychological Association l'a récompensé en 2006 pour sa contribution à la recherche fondamentale en psychologie [1]. En 2002, une étude sur les 100 psychologues les plus éminents du XX e siècle[2] le classait au 13 e rang des auteurs les plus cités dans les manuels d’initiation à la psychologie et le 31 e plus éminent toutes catégories confondues.

"Martin Seligman"

"Martin Seligman"

University of Pennsylvania

From helplessness to optimism: The role of resilience in treating and preventing depression in youth

This chapter, mainly theoretical in orientation, also reviews recent research on resilience and gender. The theoretical orientation represented here is known as relational-cultural theory. Dr. Jordan posits that gender and culture interact in multilevel and complex ways such that the concept of resilience should be applied in extremely different and specific ways in females versus males. To the extent that girls feel they are a part of mutually growth-fostering relationships in which they care about others and are cared about as well, they will experience a sense of flexibility, worth, clarity, creativity, zest, and desire for more connection.

Austin D. Eubanks

Austin D. Eubanks

University of Arkansas

Journal of Applied Social Psychology

Enforcing pragmatic future‐mindedness cures the innovator's bias

The innovator's bias is defined as the tendency for innovators to focus mainly on the positive potential impact of their inventions and to neglect, ignore, or downplay any potential negative impact. Such bias may help sustain the motivation needed for business success but may create problems by failing to acknowledge and prepare for problematic outcomes. We report three studies (total n = 1608) designed to demonstrate this bias—and to show how to overcome it (while ideally preserving the innovators' enthusiastic affection for their product). Three studies used hypothetical innovations, all with potential downsides. Feelings of ownership were manipulated by having some participants role‐play being marketing manager, including naming the product, devising advertising slogans, and identifying target demographics for potential purchasers. Owners then rated their product, while nonowner controls rated a …

"Martin Seligman"

"Martin Seligman"

University of Pennsylvania

AI chatbot responds to emotional cuing

Emotion has long been considered to distinguish humans from Artificial Intelligence (AI). Previously, AI's ability to interpret and express emotions was seen as mere text interpretation. In humans, emotions co-ordinate a suite of behavioral actions, eg, under negative emotion being risk averse or under positive emotion being generous. So, we investigated such coordination to emotional cues in AI chatbots. We treated AI chatbots like human participants, prompting them with scenarios that prime positive emotions, negative emotions, or no emotions. Multiple OpenAI ChatGPT Plus accounts answered questions on investment decisions and prosocial tendencies. We found that ChatGPT-4 bots primed with positive emotions, negative emotions, and no emotions exhibited different risk-taking and prosocial actions. These effects were weaker among ChatGPT-3.5 bots. The ability to coordinate responses with emotional cues may have become stronger in large language models as they evolved. This highlights the potential of influencing AI using emotion and it suggests that complex AI possesses a necessary capacity for “having” emotion.

"Martin Seligman"

"Martin Seligman"

University of Pennsylvania

Apprendre l'optimisme

Dans cet ouvrage, Martin Seligman, fondateur de la psychologie positive, vous aide à acquérir les ressources utiles pour avoir une attitude positive même dans les situations les plus inconfortables de la vie. C’est en effet par la façon dont vous percevez et interprétez ce qui vous arrive au quotidien, par le prisme de votre petite voix intérieure, que vous penchez soit vers l’optimisme, soit vers le pessimisme. En s’ appuyant sur les connaissances scientifiques actuelles, ce livre vous montre, de façon très pratique, comment modifier progressivement votre discours mental et transformer, à n’importe quel âge, la perception que vous avez de votre propre existence. En apprenant à devenir optimiste, vous accéderez à une vie meilleure!

Ayelet Meron Ruscio

Ayelet Meron Ruscio

University of Pennsylvania

Cognitive Therapy and Research

Metacognitive Appraisals of Perseverative Cognition: A Prospective Test Across Thought Types

PurposeCognitive-behavioral and metacognitive theories suggest that appraisals of perseverative (repetitive negative) thoughts play a crucial role in determining affective and behavioral outcomes. The current study prospectively tested these theories across thought types by examining the relationship between thought appraisals and later outcomes.MethodsThe current study tested the association of negative and positive appraisals of obsessions, worries, and ruminative thoughts to self-reported outcomes at 1-month follow-up (n = 96) using an unselected student sample.ResultsAt 1-month follow-up, prior negative appraisals predicted increasing thought frequency for worry and rumination but not obsessions, while prior positive appraisals predicted increasing thought frequency and negative affect for rumination only.ConclusionsResults suggest that different forms of perseverative thought may differ in the extent …

Andrew Reece

Andrew Reece

Harvard University

Journal of Applied Social Psychology

Enforcing pragmatic future‐mindedness cures the innovator's bias

The innovator's bias is defined as the tendency for innovators to focus mainly on the positive potential impact of their inventions and to neglect, ignore, or downplay any potential negative impact. Such bias may help sustain the motivation needed for business success but may create problems by failing to acknowledge and prepare for problematic outcomes. We report three studies (total n = 1608) designed to demonstrate this bias—and to show how to overcome it (while ideally preserving the innovators' enthusiastic affection for their product). Three studies used hypothetical innovations, all with potential downsides. Feelings of ownership were manipulated by having some participants role‐play being marketing manager, including naming the product, devising advertising slogans, and identifying target demographics for potential purchasers. Owners then rated their product, while nonowner controls rated a …