list of Lake Shore Swimming Areas

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list of lake shore swimming areas by country/state

list of lake shore swimming areas in schleswig-holstein from germany(74)list of lake shore swimming areas in mecklenburg-vorpommern from germany(36)list of lake shore swimming areas in brandenburg from germany(36)list of lake shore swimming areas in bavaria from germany(32)list of lake shore swimming areas in braga from portugal(31)list of lake shore swimming areas in lower saxony from germany(29)list of lake shore swimming areas in baden-württemberg from germany(28)list of lake shore swimming areas in coimbra from portugal(23)list of lake shore swimming areas in guarda from portugal(20)list of lake shore swimming areas in north rhine-westphalia from germany(18)list of lake shore swimming areas in zürich from switzerland(15)list of lake shore swimming areas in viseu from portugal(15)list of lake shore swimming areas in castelo branco from portugal(14)list of lake shore swimming areas in berlin from germany(12)list of lake shore swimming areas in vaud from switzerland(12)list of lake shore swimming areas in thurgau from switzerland(12)list of lake shore swimming areas in bern from switzerland(12)list of lake shore swimming areas in santarém from portugal(11)list of lake shore swimming areas in ticino from switzerland(11)list of lake shore swimming areas in porto from portugal(10)list of lake shore swimming areas in saxony from germany(9)list of lake shore swimming areas in aveiro from portugal(9)list of lake shore swimming areas in aargau from switzerland(7)list of lake shore swimming areas in saxony-anhalt from germany(7)list of lake shore swimming areas in zug from switzerland(6)list of lake shore swimming areas in lucerne from switzerland(6)list of lake shore swimming areas in leiria from portugal(6)list of lake shore swimming areas in vila real from portugal(6)list of lake shore swimming areas in bragança from portugal(6)list of lake shore swimming areas in évora from portugal(5)list of lake shore swimming areas in neuchâtel from switzerland(5)list of lake shore swimming areas in hesse from germany(5)list of lake shore swimming areas in geneva from switzerland(5)